Here at Read Grade, our Japanese reading materials are crafted to help you master the skills needed to pass the standardized Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) and become an advanced reader of Japanese.

We offer engaging, level-appropriate readers spanning from JLPT N5 up to N1:

N5 – Beginning Japanese Reading
Our N5 readers use basic grammar and vocab, with lots of furigana pronunciation guides. They help you get comfortable reading in Japanese while building a foundation.

N4 – Early Intermediate Reading
At the N4 level, sentences become more complex and kanji is introduced gradually. Our N4 readers expand your skills with new grammar patterns and over 1,000 essential vocabulary words.

N3 – Intermediate Reading
N3 readers feature longer, more sophisticated passages with 300 additional kanji. You’ll gain exposure to nuanced grammar, abstract ideas, and an expanded 3,000 word vocabulary.

N2 – High Intermediate Reading
Our N2 readers challenge you with authentic written Japanese. The advanced grammar, 1,000 more kanji, and vocabulary exceeding 5,000 words prepare you for real-life reading.

N1 – Advanced Reading
At the N1 level, you’ll read rich literary works, newspaper articles, and academic texts. Our readers contain complex grammar and expressions, a total of 2,000 kanji, and vocabulary reaching 10,000 words.

With regular practice using our leveled readings, you’ll build the skills and confidence to progress through each JLPT tier. We make the journey achievable through the power of compelling stories and useful content.

Reach your reading goals with Read Grade!